Sunday, September 26, 2004

Impatience and Stress

Current Roll: 5430

I got an undeservingly good plug from Guinness and Poker, Thanks Iggy.

Looks like another keeper right here. Mike is a grad student AND a pro poker player. Smart and unemployed make for a compelling blog, imho. Please scroll a little down for his excellent post on the the MSN news article on poker bots and the consequent follow-up discussion on Slashdot, which I only now realize that I forgot to link to. Hit his site for the full skinny.

If you are coming from his site, be sure to scroll down to read up on the current and future state of bots on the internet. Feel free to shoot me an email.

My research is frustrating me to no end; my advisor is pushing me very hard for this research paper we are working on. This week I also went through the oral qualifying exams which are required to get into the phd program. Along with some other social stress, I haven't been able to relax for a while.

This has certainly affected my poker game. In fact, it affected my game so strongly that I'm really concerned about my abilities to ever really derive all of my income from poker. I don't want to go through life where stress affects my ability to derive a comfortable income.

This frustration is leading to impatience in my poker game. I'm pushing cards I shouldn't be pushing because I don't want to wait for a more clear mathematical advantage. I'd love to be able to blame the cards, but I don't think the bad beats are coming any more frequently than they always do. It was so bad that someone appoligized to me when his Kings held against my AQs (the flop came Q high and I pushed it far to hard when the best I could reasonably hope for was a split). He appologized! I felt so sick and patronized I had to end my poker session for the day.

In my experience, Good players play poker expecting their mathematical advantage to hold up for a profit, wheras poor players play poker hoping to get lucky for a profit. The past few days I have definitaly felt myself in the latter catetgory and I need to reflect on my priorities and ability to play right now.

Coming soon: A tournement report on the PokerStars 20K tourney!


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